We planted the seeds last November and now we have some juicy pods of our own. Join us to share the harvesting, and to have a chance to get involved with the Feasting element of the Squash and Bean Swap.
Join us on Thursday 27th June for an evening session harvesting, tidying and planning. We’ll have a taste of the smallest, tenderest. Depending what the group think, we could each take some home for supper or freeze them for our Autumn cook ups.
Meet at 6.15 at the Bandstand Beds – harvesting, clearing, planting out two extra pumpkins and sowing some of our saved nasturtium seed from last year.
We’ll also aim to sow some more beans and put up bean poles at the pumpkin patch behind the playground, just off Windmill Drive.
Chatting agenda:
- July 2nd – Clapham Common Fete activities
- Recipe collation and book with just in time publishing
- Feasting venues
Repair to the Windmill for actions
All are welcome, and we’re looking forward to meeting you.