Sunny September

Just as we were about to cast off our shorts in favour of warmer autumn clothing, the summer returned for a final blaze of glory. We’ve had sun, fun and two fantastic events in our garden.

At the beginning of the month, Richard Galpin from London Freedom Seed Bank ran a workshop for us in the garden. He explained the basic principles of seed saving, how some plants are self-pollinating and have flowers that contain reproductive structures of both genders, while others have male and female flowers and cross-pollinate.

Fruit is visible on a female squash flower

Self-pollinating plants, such as tomatoes, will produce seeds that replicate the parent plant (grow true). With plants that have male and female flowers, such as squash, pollen is carried from one plant to another. This cross pollination means the seed produced will not grow true to the parent plant. Although you could sow the seed and grow your own interesting variety of the plant. Richard also gave practical advice on how to gather, save and store seeds.

Gathering seeds of information

There was a great turnout for this workshop and it’s something we’d definitely like to do again next year. If you’d be interested in taking part, let us know.

What a glorious day for our feast!

We always hold our harvest feast event in September. Last year it was an absolute washout, but this time we were blessed with perfect weather for this fantastic fun-filled event. There was delicious food to enjoy in our bring and share picnic, scarecrow making and peashoot planting.

We made lots of new friends too

There were also lots of pickles, chutneys and jams made from our homegrown fruit and veg. And as always, the afternoon was rounded off with our raffle, full of great prizes donated by local businesses* and our members.

Picking a winner

During the feast we managed to raised £696.29 from the raffle and other donations. This money added to £6,160 we have been award by the National Lottery Community Fund means will now be able to install a new pathway and accessible toilet in the community garden. We will be working with TCV on this project and if all goes to plan the it should be complete by the end of November

* Special thanks to the following businesses for their generous raffle donations: Minnow, Eco, M.Moen & Sons, Clapham Picturehouse, Tierra Verde, Nardulli Clapham, Pizzeria on the Green and Franco Manca.

For more information about events and activities in our community garden email

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