The Squash and Bean Swap in Lambeth

Fellow community growing projects are getting on with their events for the Squash and Bean Swap. On the weekend of 20 and 21st April two took place:

hhcan-logoKate reported,  Ruskin Park Community Garden held their seed sowing event last weekend & had a lovely day for it. Lots of people came by to plant a seed, learn about its care & took it home. Many people were planting a seed for the first time & so there are now lots of new growers in the area.

Blog due here,

GrowingRosendaleLogo-1 (1)Catriona at Growing Rosendale said, Had 20 people at seed planting event, sociable and fun! Almost all from the allotments (1 outsider). They took away all the bean and squash seeds we had but not sure how many will bring them back to swap!

I’ll plant out some more and put them in a mini greenhouse we have for the swap event so at least we have a body of seedlings. Hopefully they will survive the projected colder weekend….

Find Growing Rosendale on Facebook

More events coming up and see the list here

Join Beth and Alison at Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses, Kasia at Myatt’s Fields Park, Kate and (another Kasia) at STreatham Common Community Garden in April, May, June and beyond!