Hello Swappers and other growing folk of Clapham and beyond!
It’s the Clapham Common Fete! All welcome this Sunday from 12 at the Bandstand Beds.
You can
- have broad bean falafel for tasting
- swap tips on growing your beans and pumpkins; comfrey tea for sampling 🙂
- inspect the growth
- pledge a recipe for our cookbook
- find out more about our communal cooking in the autumn
Make it a day out – see Clapham Common Friends’ site: http://claphamcommon. org/events/11/summer-fete/
What else is happening?
Pre-work Pumpkin sexing 7.30am date tbc
Seed saving – free workshop on saving seed from pumpkins
Some time later this month we’ll be up at the beds by 7.30am with ribbons and a notebook. Follow us on twitter or keep an eye on the website for the date when flowers are ready (see below)
Thursday July 25th 6.15pm – Meet at the beds for some maintenance tasks and then on to the Windmill for feasting/cookbook planning. All welcome to help out and take part.
August – we still need waterers – please get in touch!
September 21st Big Dig open gardens day
October – communal cooking and feasting – looking for kitchens we can use under fully qualified and experienced community cooking chef Fiorella Fronzi: a school, local restaurant and community kitchen.
MEMBERSHIP: show your support for the project by becoming a member – donations also welcome!